Page name: A dragon's life Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-07-25 17:28:29
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The characters in A dragon's life

I want a character format for this and here it is:

Chara name:
Personality if applies:
Weapons if applies:

Hume= human
*UPDATE* You can now have up 4 charas. Or more with permission.
*UPDATE!* You can have theme songs now!
Send Completed or almost complete charas in wiki form to [Rising Death Dragon] or [The Last Dragoon] for approval.
4 characters max, ask [Rising Death Dragon] or [The Last Dragoon]if you can have more than 4

Up for grabs charas:

Good Elves:
1. A Dragon's Life: Elf Hunter
2. Selene Glade
3. Delshandra Dlardrageth
4. Jenieve

Evil Elves:

Good Humes:
1. A dragons life: Ronin - Celestial Knight
2. A Dragon's Life: Jaren - Celestial Knight

Evil Humes:

Law Dragons:
1. A Dragon's Life: Sebastian Bocast

Criminal Dragons:
1. A Dragon's Life: Tagen
2. a dragon's life: Shuruikan Angelus's father

Other Dragons:
1. Sage Icebane

Dragon Hunters(either elf or hume):
1. A dragon's life: Oriel - elf
2. A Dragon's life: Scarlett - Hume.

Dragon Slaves:
1. A dragon's life: Angelus
2. A Dragon's Life: Tomias

Nuetral People (any race no matter what):
1. A Dragon's Life: Reine
2. Kailiza Sunshadow
3. Sordino
4. Lasah Flora

Good People (any race no matter what):
1. Voronwë a unknown race

Evil People (any race no matter what):
1. Ryu shujin unknown race

Theme songs:
1. Voronwë's theme
  2nd version:
2. Tomias' Theme
3. Shuruikan's theme:

I have decided on three gods so far. if you want to add to them feel free.

The Gods:

The Dragon God

Name: Garzuk
The god of all dragons either lawful or criminal or in-between.
He vies with the other gods on the justice that dragons should rule side by side. He is actually controlling Angelus’ destiny.

The Elven God

Name: Lucreciata
She is the god of all Elves.
She thinks elves should rule the earth. She doesn’t like Garzuk at all.

The Human God

Name: Lazuli
He is the god of humans.
He neither likes or dislikes the other gods. He believes celestial knights should be the true peacekeepers. He doesn’t mind if elves are celestial knights in fact he encourages the different races to be them. Even half bloods.

Username (or number or email):


2009-10-16 [Rice]: The Dragon Hunters, they work with the Criminal Dragons right? So their like the evil humans?

2009-10-16 [The Last Dragoon]: the hunters that captured Angelus and Tomias are Elves

2009-10-16 [Rice]: Can I not have a does say Elves or humes? 8) *batters eyelashes*

2009-10-16 [The Last Dragoon]: you can have your character be human if you wish

2009-10-16 [Rice]: Thankyou.
Shall I ass her myself?

2009-10-16 [Rice]: I did anyway, since I was able to edit the page. I assumed.

2009-10-18 [The Last Dragoon]: you needed to run the character file past myself or [Rising Death Dragon] first before adding it

2009-10-21 [Elwyne]: Going to make my character under... A Dragon's Life: Reine I'm just starting her now but I should be done soon.

2009-10-21 [Rising Death Dragon]: Go ahead and add it.

2009-10-22 [Elwyne]: oh yay! (looks at character list) um... neutral I guess...

2009-10-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: ^^

2009-10-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: Ahh thats better new change.

2009-10-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: i just got confused it said there was a change but i don't see any past what i did.

2009-10-22 [The Last Dragoon]: i just added a new slot to Good Humes, that's all

2009-10-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: oh lol

2009-10-22 [The Last Dragoon]: since i was the last person to add to the Good Humes area, it seems fair that I set up the new slot

2009-10-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: yeah

2009-10-31 [Gypsy Mystik]: I don't know where to add my character Kailiza Sunshadow

2009-10-31 [Elwyne]: you could put her under neutral the same way I did... they didn't have a Nisur placement. <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2009-10-31 [Rising Death Dragon]: I agree and i'm sorry for that i didn't have a spot Elwyne. Neutral is kinda for when you don't know how your chara will act.

2009-10-31 [Gypsy Mystik]: okay I'll put her there.... ^_^

2009-11-01 [Elwyne]: I know, but it was the only place I could find to put her. It's ok though.

2009-11-19 [Rice]: Im making a second character if thats ok?

2009-11-20 [Elwyne]: I got a picture of my character now that I did (although her clothes aren't what she's likely to be wearing as a slave but the appearance is and attitude is almost right)

2009-11-20 [Rice]: I made a new character..hes weird..because..I like weird characters XD
If anythings wrong i'll change it later..but ill bring him in for now.

2009-11-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: remember you can have a max of two charas but if you ask you could have more

2009-11-22 [Rice]: Oh ok, because I was thinking of having another character later on 8). So thats good.

2009-12-01 [Goma]: interesting

2010-01-11 [Rising Death Dragon]: HOLY CRAP WHAT HAVE I MISSED!?!

2010-01-11 [The Last Dragoon]: quite abit actually ^>^;

2010-01-11 [Rising Death Dragon]: i see

2010-01-11 [The Last Dragoon]: but you'll catch up in no time ^>^

2010-01-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: If the dragon hunters want to post go ahead but use the line break thingy.

2010-01-16 [Gypsy Mystik]: I only have one character here ^_^

2010-01-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: yeah but the dragon hunters haven't had a chance to post yet...

2010-01-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: ok

2010-01-21 [Rising Death Dragon]: updated the chara max.

2010-01-21 [Elwyne]: ah, well eventually I might bring a couple more of mine in, but... I prefer them to not run into each other if possible.

2010-01-21 [Rising Death Dragon]: How come?

2010-01-21 [Elwyne]: um... it's because of a situation I ran into in other rp's. When someone played both a good guy and a bad guy and got into a fight with both character against each other but some other good guys were there, he never let any but his own good character make any hits on the bad guy. I try to be careful not to put myself in that situation, and if it were a one on one thing it would get kinda boring fast anyway.

2010-01-21 [Rising Death Dragon]: I see.

2010-01-21 [Rising Death Dragon]: ok We are missing some charas up here

2010-01-21 [Rising Death Dragon]: ok never mind i found it lol

2010-01-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: put up theme songs people!

2010-01-22 [Elwyne]: theme songs?

2010-01-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: Yeah It's a song you think goes good for your chara. You call it a theme song for that reason.

2010-01-22 [Elwyne]: umm... ok... maybe you should think of a couple for mine cuz I don't know a lot of songs.

2010-01-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: hmmm.... Ok i'll try.

2010-01-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: I love my second version of that theme song for my chara.

2010-01-22 [Elwyne]: ...

2010-01-22 [Elwyne]: think I'm going to say g'night for tonight

2010-01-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: Same.

2010-01-22 [Elwyne]: g'night then

2010-01-22 [Gypsy Mystik]: Night you too

2010-01-22 [Rising Death Dragon]: How bout mornin

2010-01-22 [Gypsy Mystik]: Morning Dragon

2010-01-23 [Rising Death Dragon]: Evening lol

2010-01-23 [Gypsy Mystik]: Hey! ^_^

2010-01-23 [Rising Death Dragon]: ^^

2010-01-23 [Gypsy Mystik]: ^_^

2010-01-23 [The Last Dragoon]: =^.^=

2010-01-23 [Rising Death Dragon]: Kailiza please comment to Ronin. Thank you and have a nice day.

2010-01-23 [Rising Death Dragon]: I think this is good for Tagen's theme:

2010-01-23 [Rising Death Dragon]: Or Dragoon you could have this one for him:

Or both.

2010-01-23 [Rising Death Dragon]: omg this sounds real catchy:

2010-01-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: I'll create an evil character :)

2010-01-23 [Rising Death Dragon]: ok

2010-01-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: give me some time, k?
'cause I'm also working on my last character for another rp. this is probably the last one I'm joining :)

2010-01-23 [Rising Death Dragon]: Ok.

2010-01-24 [The Last Dragoon]: I'll give them a listen and see which one works best ^>^

2010-01-24 [Rising Death Dragon]: ok.

2010-02-04 [Elwyne]: (wonders to self what happened to everyone)

2010-02-04 [Fearathress]: im stillhere

2010-02-04 [Gypsy Mystik]: I'm here ^_^

2010-02-04 [The Last Dragoon]: ditto for me ^>^

2010-02-04 [Elwyne]: I'm here, but everything seems to have stopped... unless I'm missing something?

2010-02-04 [Gypsy Mystik]: I want to continue this one...

2010-02-06 [Elwyne]: I still haven't found a way to bring Reine in, and I wanted to play her cuz I'm still working on her personality.

2010-02-15 [Rising Death Dragon]: Well guys i'm sorry it stopped i had comp viruses on here.

2010-02-15 [Elwyne]: ah!

2010-02-15 [Rising Death Dragon]: yeah sorry.

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: sokay, just was wondering why things went quiet all of a sudden.

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: *glomples you*

2010-02-16 [Fearathress]: well welcome back! =)

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: (is wondering what a glomple is but giggling)

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: Glomple is a tackle hug!

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: oh!... um... (says "oof" a little late)

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: lol

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: <img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: <img:img/mood/61513_1224163278.gif><img:44166_1164557391.gif><img:44166_1164557391.gif><img:44166_1164557391.gif>

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: it's a party!<img:44166_1164903241.gif>

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: <img:img/mood/61513_1224163314.gif><img:img/mood/61513_1224163314.gif><img:img/mood/61513_1224163314.gif>

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: nose? (deliberate misspelling)

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: nope it is nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos kinda like that

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: noooooose? as in noose? Are we having a hanging? (being deliberately stupid)

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: -.-' Yes we are having a hanging... We are hanging Fear's dragon once it is caught.

2010-02-16 [Fearathress]: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: lol

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: uh oh!

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: Now where did i put that noose? *goes searching for it*

2010-02-16 [Elwyne]: (offers a small pink noose that looks much to small for anything but a mouse) I made one!

2010-02-16 [Rising Death Dragon]: Cool! Now where is tiny tim?

2010-02-16 [Fearathress]: YOU WIL NEVER FIND HIM!!!

2010-02-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: find waldo?

2010-02-17 [Eyonic]: >.>  <.< 

2010-02-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: where in the world is... carmen sandiego (singing)

2010-02-18 [Fearathress]: o.O

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: OH. OH! I FOUND TINY TIM! I got the noose around him! now where is that branch i picked out....?

2010-02-18 [Fearathress]: NOOOOO! *lunges*

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: (whispers to fearathress) only made from cotton candy won't hold together

2010-02-18 [Fearathress]: *Stops in mid lundge* have fun

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: *is munching on cotton candy* As you were saying? I decided to make a strong noose out of magic.

2010-02-18 [Fearathress]: *lunges again* NOOO!!!

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: (thinks quickly and tries to distract everyone by dumping a load of cotton candy in the middle of everything)

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: If you take him away from me the noose will tighten and kill him!

2010-02-18 [Fearathress]: NO! *crys*

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: *dips*

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: poor tiny tim

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: *in the midst of me runing i leave tiny tim behind, he is still alive*

2010-02-18 [Fearathress]: *runs to tiny tim* ur alive!

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol I still haven't introduced Selene ^_^

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: I still haven't introduced Reine... hrmmm... just an idea but you could say Selene rescued Reine and they're traveling together and we could introduce them both that way?

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: then again I just read her profile. She and Reine both seem to dislike people in general.

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: which could bring them together ^_^ lol

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: well... Selene has a bird she keeps and Reine spends most of her time as a hummingbird. Maybe that would help too.

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: Yep ^_^ Moonstrike her Hawk ^_^

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: unless her hawk likes to eat little hummingbirds

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: No... Moonstrike goes after rodents

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: ah! Well, if you'd like we could start on the third page and try to bring them in together? I leave it up to you.

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: Yay! I say we go for it

2010-02-18 [Elwyne]: ok! Yay!

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: You know... You should have told me first... But anyways i like how you guys went.

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: Sorry Dragon....

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: it's ok

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: okay...well.... I have to leave now to get my time in at the gym today...

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: ok bye! *waves*

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: *Waves, and hugs* I'll be back on later

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: kk

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: okay never mind right now....have to have my oatmeal....need the energy to excercise

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: yeah you do need energy

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol ^_^ Though I have worked out without that energy for 2 hours...

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: -.-'

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: *pets the silly Dragon*

2010-02-18 [Rising Death Dragon]: kinda slow atm looking up stuff

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol yea....

2013-05-24 [Rising Death Dragon]: i'm finally starting to come back kinda

2013-05-25 [XxTsomexX]: Hmm

2013-05-25 [Rising Death Dragon]: yesh?

2013-05-25 [XxTsomexX]: This is intersting

2013-05-25 [Rising Death Dragon]: lol how so?

2013-05-26 [XxTsomexX]: All the characters and such

2013-05-26 [Rising Death Dragon]: oh thats right... i never invited you to join did i?

2013-05-26 [XxTsomexX]: Nope

2013-06-05 [Rising Death Dragon]: my bad

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